One of the most entertaining ways to earn money online is by blogging. You can post anything you like on your blog, as it’s just a really flexible website. Blogs allow you to place ads in the sidebar or accept sponsorships. It’s really easy to set up a new blog. However, attracting visitors and finding new topics to blog about is where the work comes in. The incredible popularity of WordPress is partly due to how easy it is to use, but also due to the thousands of plugins you can choose from to create a customized blog that suits your needs. Here are some of the Plugins you should use if you have your own blog.
Use the Auto Close Comments, Pingbacks and Trackbacks Plugin. Many times old blog posts are prime targets for automated spam comments. This can be incredibly time consuming for you-weeding them out and deleting them. If you moderate your comments, you might be able to delete many of these spam comments, but the plugin will work even better. This Plugin lets you set up a time and date for closing the comments on your older blog posts. This will keep the automated spam commenting bots from being able to do their thing and pollute your blog. It will also save you all sorts of moderation time. Many people use Google Adsense. This may be your choice as well. Without working too hard, you can put advertisements on your blog or website using the AdSense Manager plugin. Using this plug-in will make it easy to manage Adsense ads everyday. Once the plug-in is installed, you can move the widget wherever you want to on the blog. You can also manually insert code on each page or post. It’s so much easier than hoping your coding skills are up to snuff and trying to do all of that work on your own. Using this plug-in, make sure that you are in total compliance with Adsense Terms of Service each time you place an ad. Keep out of trouble, follow the TOS and everything will be fine.
The pages of posts on your blog will start to load much slower as more and more posts are added. Need to keep this in mind. Using the WP Super Cache Plugin, you won’t have this problem. This plug-in solves this problem by storing all older posts in your cache. After the plug-in is activated, you will see a noticeable change in your blog loading speed. This is quite handy for blogs that get a lot of traffic. When they arrive at your blog, and it will not load, they will leave out of frustration. This should not happen, so get this plug-in to fix this problem.
If you think about it, there are so many WordPress plug-ins available. It could be difficult trying to find the right plug-ins for your website. Even though we have talked about just a few things, there is so much more to learn on your own. It basically comes down to utilizing the plug-ins we have presented, and finding more on your own. Getting every WordPress plug-in is not necessary. In essence, by adding these plug-ins, you are enhancing the user experience, making your blog much more functional and user-friendly. As you work and learn you’ll figure out what you need to help you get to where you need to go.