Many people aren’t familiar with the term SEO copywriting, yet it is the most widely used marketing tool. Online businesses and people all over the world use SEO copywriting as a way to create content that is meant for the search engines and also human readers. This art of writing produces convincing and creative copy for a site that serves many purposes. The first step in SEO copywriting is creating copy that includes the appropriate keywords within your given niche. These keywords could range from the name of website the content is being create for to popular keywords related to the content that people are searching online. The most important formula for SEO copywriting success is using the right keywords in the right places. Ranking higher by Google and the other search engines requires that you get good at this practice.
You must know who your target market is before you even think about writing for the search engines. This is extremely important because you’ll never know the keywords to use if you don’t know your target audience. The choice of your keywords will make or break your campaign, and the only way to get it right is effectively research and understand your niche market. With this information, you can write compelling copy with all the appropriate keywords. For instance, a Yoga site would require looking into the topic to find keywords that are right for targeting.
Now that we know the do’s, there are things you’ll want to avoid when writing web copy. When writing copy, avoid Flash as it really interferes with your high ranking goals. Flash does nothing for SEO. The search engines cannot read flash and it’s a real pain since it takes a long time to load.
Search engines won’t even be able to index the information that may be embedded in a Flash file. The entire idea of search engine optimization is to make your content readable by search engines. Flash will drive away your traffic, which means it’s not a good idea to use on your site.
Always focus on offering meaty content. Make sure all the copy you offer on your site is no less than 400 words. The more content you have, the better off you’ll be. It’s best to go with 1,000 words per page as long as you’re offering valuable information.
In conclusion, you should aim for writing content in the most creative way, without ignoring the search engines, to get the most out of your website and get the most traffic.